This is where my life turns more into tragedy. It has happened to me pretty much continuously since I discovered boys in the 5th grade. I even prolonged one of these relationships for 2 years.
I haven't had a proper date in 4 years. I've been hanging out a lot in the past few months with a pretty dreamy dude. We've got a lot in common. Family is a huge priority, learning new stuff is cool, we both like action flicks and cold beer with wings. Life was pretty great - but - I just recently got to "Then".
And just like the Ro-Com leading ladies, I'm at the moment where she catches the leading man in some sort of misunderstanding or they discover that they are at cross purposes. This usually comes before the clarification of the misunderstanding after which he declares his undying love for her. Generally during this part of the movie, it either rains or there is a gallon of ice cream involved. (That's how you know that moment is coming...)
Insert any Katherine Heigl movie here!
I'm all kinds of good with living in Ro-Com land up until this part. Honestly, it's pretty fun. But it's not what I want deep down. I'm not even sure I want a movie-perfect ending. Heck, I'd just settle for an ending of any kind instead of languishing on the editing room floor. For how I've been feeling - living in my Ro-Com turned Tragedy - I'd go back a scene or two and where the tension builds and builds and you begin to feel sorry for said single girl.
So, I'm waiting for it to rain or for the gallon of ice cream moment to hit. Someday something like that may happen to me. Right now with this year's dreamy dude - I doubt it. So - I'm waiting until "Then". Again.
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