Monday, June 18, 2012

You're Getting Stronger!

I always love it when Chalene says stuff like this in her workout videos.  I've heard other people say that her well-placed motivational comments push them through, and I always think that its a little cheesy when she says that stuff, but it really does work.  This is the beginning of my third week of ChaLean Extreme and I'm excited to say that I'm getting stronger.  I'm moving up in  my weights and seeing definition in all the places I want it.  Hitting almost all of the pushups on my toes inspires me to hit them all on the next round - or at least she makes me believe that I can!  

There is a Biblical proverb: As a woman thinks in her heart, so she is.  There comes a point in the lift-heavy mentality where you feel like you're pushing an immovable rock up a hill, and then she hits you with "You're not tired - you have the strength to get that weight up, and I guarantee you have the strength to get it down!"  And then you get the feeling like that rock you're pushing is not so big.  In fact, you've crested the hill and it's rolling down the other side.  Take that, rock!

Believing I can get that weight up, do one more push up on my toes, and finish one more perfect tricep press is critical to my success in this program.  To do that, I can't let myself think that it's too much for me.  I have to become enough for it.  In fact to do it right now, I have to believe that I am already enough for it.  These positive messages Chalene sends out make me believe in my heart that I'm already enough.  

It is easy enough to believe the bad feedback we get on a daily basis from ourselves and others.  I'm a girl with a strong perfectionist achiever drive, so I have a tendency to give myself bad feedback if I don't bat a thousand every day.  I read one time that it takes a vastly huge number of positive comments to balance out one negative comment.  It's a good thing that I work out in the morning before I dig my negative self-commentary deficit too deep.  Even though I know these workouts were filmed like 5 years ago, her positive comments keep my motivation afloat for most of the day.  

Chalene's motivational moments help me believe in my ability to get what I most want in life.  I have to believe right now that I am enough for the tasks of my day - whether it's one more posterior fly or trouble shooting the statistical software I run at work.  I have to believe that right now, even though I've just started pushing the rock up the hill, that there is a crest, and it's much easier on the other side.  I have to think these things, believe these things, practice these things - because then I live these positive things and not the negative ones.  As a woman thinks in her heart, so she is. 

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